Effective Date:

September 2024

Last Updated:

September 2024


Legal Notice

The primary purpose of the fund is to support fair, sustainable, and meaningful human development. This is to be achieved by the fund continuously striving to realize human potential and projecting the idea of meaningfulness as conceived by Morten Nødgaard Albæk, along with its subsequent development. This is ensured by solely conducting activities in accordance with the following purposes and the involvement of the board, which must ensure compliance with the fund’s purpose. Consequently, the fund’s purpose is twofold:

Charitable/Philanthropic Purposes: The fund will support initiatives that promote development in:

  • Science and research
  • Targeted education
  • Arts and culture
  • Public health
  • Public welfare
  • Natural resource management and local heritage
  • Sports and wellbeing
  • Social justice
  • Promoting international understanding
  • And similar activities at the discretion of the board.

To fulfill the above purposes, the fund will collaborate and form partnerships with organizations and individuals to support the realization of human potential from a holistic perspective.

Commercial Purpose: The fund is also established with the following commercial purposes:

  • To sell services for a fee, including but not limited to consultancy services, advisory, reporting tasks, and related services.
  • Possibly to own intellectual property rights and make these available to Voluntas Advisory ApS, CVR-no. 34899878, and/or any company that is or may later be associated with Voluntas Advisory ApS, CVR-no. 34899878, including but not limited to group companies and subsidiaries, against the payment of a market-compliant license.
  • Possibly to hold capital shares – directly or indirectly through a holding company in Voluntas Advisory ApS, CVR-no. 34899878, or companies affiliated with the same group, and as far as possible through active ownership contribute to the continuation of these companies.
  • To make investments in and hold ownership shares in companies and businesses that conduct activities within the fund’s purpose.

The fund may operate through subsidiaries whose activities fall within the fund’s purpose.

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6. Governing Law These terms are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which our company is registered.

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